IO Commands
Gets/sets the current mode of a specific IO signal. Note that not all modes of operation are available on all pins. Please see the pin out diagram on the Using IO page for reference.
Set current mode value: IO[n] MODE [mode]
Get current mode value: IO[n] MODE ?
This function takes on parameter, mode
To set IO pin mode to Digital Input, use
To set IO pin mode to Digital Output, use
To set IO pin mode to Analog Input, use
To set IO pin mode to Analog Output, use
To set IO pin mode to PWM Output, use
Set: This function returns an ACK Response if the command succeeds in setting the supplied mode of operation to the specified IO pin. If the command fails, the function will return a NAK Response.
Get: This function returns -IO[n]
followed by MODE
followed by the current mode.
Example Usage:
Gets/sets the interrupt configuration of a specific IO signal. Note that not all IO signals are capable of supporting hardware interrupts. Please see the pin out diagram on the Using IO page for reference.
Set Interrupt configuration: IO[n] INT [trigger]
Get Interrupt configuration: IO[n] INT ?
This function takes on parameter, trigger
To configure interrupt on rising edge, use
To configure interrupt on falling edge, use
To configure interrupt on either edge, use
To turn off interrupts on this pin, use
Set: This function returns an ACK Response if the command succeeds in configuring the interrupt on the specified IO pin. If the command fails, the function will return a NAK Response.
Get: This function returns -IO[n]
followed by INT
followed by the current interrupt configuration.
Example Usage:
Gets/sets the current value of a specific IO signal. The meaning of the value is dependent on the current mode setting of the signal. The acceptable units for value depends on the current pin mode of operation.
Set value: IO[n] VALUE [val]
Get value: IO[n] VALUE ?
This function takes on parameter, val
When the pin is configured as a digital output:
val can be 0 or LOW to set the output low
val can be 1 or HIGH to set the output high
When the pin is configured as an analog output:
val can be 0 to 1024 to set the DAC output in counts
val can be 0V to 3.3V to set the DAC output in voltage
When the pin is configured as PWM output:
val can be 0 to 1024 to set the duty cycle in counts
val can be 0% to 100% to set the duty cycle by percentage
When the pin is configured as an Analog or Digital Input:
Setting is disabled, Query VALUE to read the input state
Set: This function returns an ACK Response if the command succeeds in configuring the output on the specified IO pin. If the command fails, the function will return a NAK Response.
Get: This function returns -IO[n]
followed by VALUE
followed by the current value of the IO pin, which depends on the current operating mode of the pin.
When the pin is configured as a digital input or output, returned value will be either 0 or 1
When the pin is configured as an analog input or output, returned value will be in counts and volts
IO[n] VALUE 2512 2.02V
When the pin is configured as a PWM output, the returned value will be in counts and percentage
IO[n] VALUE 512 50%
Example Usage:
Gets/sets the current value of the PWM frequency of a specific IO signal. This is only applicable when in PWM Mode. Note that IO0 and IO2 share a PWM Frequency, and IO3 and IO4 share a PWM Frequency. The default PWM frequency is 10kHz.
Set Frequency: IO[n] PWMFREQ [frequency]
Get Frequency: IO[n] PWMFREQ ?
This function takes on parameter, frequency
, which can be from 750Hz to 80000Hz.
Set: This function returns an ACK Response if the command succeeds in configuring the PWM frequency on the specified IO pin. If the command fails, the function will return a NAK Response.
Get: This function returns -IO[n]
followed by PWMFREQ
followed by the currently configured PWM frequency.
Example Usage:
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